Drills by Player Numbers
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Soccer Drills for 1 to 5 Players

Welcome to our specialized soccer drills guide for coaches training small groups of 1 to 5 players! Our targeted videos and precise instructions help you deliver effective, focused sessions. Emphasize individual skill development, personalized feedback, and intensive practice. Enhance your coaching impact, cater to specific needs, and foster rapid player improvement. Start optimizing your small group training today!

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Ball Mastery 13 | The Great Escape! (BM-13)

This fun practice is called “The Great Escape” and it develops players ability to recognise gaps and exploit them with quick dribbling.

Dribbling and 1-2 Combinations | Mini Ballers P27

This mini ballers practice takes place in a 15 by 15-yard area and develops players dribbling and passing ability. 

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