Drills by Skills
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This page focuses on the skill of defending and looks at how we can improve individual players and unit's ability to defend in technical, skill and game situations. With a focus on jockeying, pressing and building relationships to develop compactness in the defensive phase, we're sure you will find what yo need in this section.

30 Day Free Trial

Defensive Press and Cover

In this practice, we will focus on developing technical pressing and defensive covering techniques when working as a pair. Two players will work together, either pressing the ball or providing cover on the mannequin depending on the position of the ball. Getting tight as quick as possible and moving into the covering position as quickly as possible after the pass is made are key in this practice!

Defending the Overload (Midfield Unit) | 35-P8

This practice takes place in a circular area and focuses on developing player’s compact defending and ability to maintain possession.

Pre-Season 18: Speed Endurance, Crossing & finishing

This soccer drill is focused on developing Speed Endurance, together with game related Crossing and Finishing; ideal for Pro Pre Season.

30 Day Free Trial