Demo 2: How to use Individual Learning Plans

Step 1: Why?

Here we are focused on developing Individual Development Plans supported by animated videos. This will focus on supporting the individual, with position-specific movement patterns illustrating possible combinations.

Step 2: For Who & How?

You can create specific individual video plans for each team member, which will provide a clear picture of each player’s role. This will be stored in your playbook and can be shared with coaches in the club, so you have a consistent message relayed to all players.

Step 3: ILP Template

Now we need to think about how we want to present our Individual Learning Plans, combining text and video to maximise the transfer of learning.
This illustrates how each element of the player’s development can be monitored over a 6-8 week period.

Step 4: Player Targets

Our next step is to really focus on 3 specific targets for the individual player to develop in key areas identified through analysis and coach-to-player discussion.
In this example, Zineline has been provided with a technical, tactical, and physical target to be observed, analysed, and developed over this 8-week period.

Step 5: Supporting Video

We then introduce key video content developed using The Coach Platform animation tool into our Presentation document. This will be specific for the individual player and will give them their own media presentation which they can use to develop clear game understanding throughout the season and beyond.

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